God’s Adoption Plan

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged…probably at least a year.  Sorry about that, lots of craziness, and very little time to sit and gather my thoughts, and write.  I think the last time I blogged, God had given us a word that we would adopt again in 2015.  So here we are…oh, what a humor God has.  We adopted again in January, but not what we expected.  We truly thought that we were suppose to adopt just children, not young adults.  Yep, you heard me correctly, young adults.  We adopted 20 year olds.  A young, married couple from church.

It has truly been an unexpected blessing. I love how God works that way.  In many ways, having them here has taught me a lot about myself as a person, leader, teacher, wife, and mother. I am a lot stronger than I ever thought.  These young leaders bring a new refreshing ambiance to our household.  Somehow, there is a new peace here.  We function beautifully as a family.  I truly believe that is how God intended it to be.  We may not always agree on every issue, but He is perfecting us.

Since they have been here, it has become quite clear that adoption has many forms, but that adoption is forever love. You all know I am a big cheerleader for adoption, the ultimate love, but I know that their presence here is temporary and however long that might be is up to the Lord.  A forever love through adoption means that you love someone as you would love your blood brother/sister.  You include them as you would your biological family in every aspect, just as Jesus has with each of us.  He has provided us with the same knowledge that He has.

I am now more careful with the word adoption.  That is, who now claims to have adopted me and who now claims that they wish me to adopt them.  Adoption to me is a serious commitment to ones life.  Calling one their daughter, son, brother, or sister, has consequences if you are not willing to truly fulfill it. Saying I adopted someone is not something I take lightly, nor do I expect when someone claims to have adopted me or us.

Many Changes & Prayer Ahead

I have always said that the reason God chose me for adoption is because He knows I can handle a lot. In the past few weeks, Aaliyah was removed from a daycare program we loved, a family member’s cancer progressed, and another loved one with health issues. In the midst of it all, I am in the midst of trying to finish my dissertation, being a full time wife & mommy. Needless to say, there are many things our family needs prayer for.

Two weeks ago, Aaliyah was removed from a daycare provider who we thought was perfect over something completely dramatized. Long story short, members from the providers church saw that I posted a question asking my parent friends about policies regarding paying for holidays/vacations. Not that I need to defend myself, but I am a new parent and had no idea these policies were common. I never mentioned the provider nor her business, but because I posted a question on Facebook, some mutual friends told her I was trashing her and her daycare publicly on Facebook. Aaliyah was immediately discharged from daycare, losing friendships she made with other children, and the enrollment fee ($75) we paid for the fall was revoked (not refunded). Since then, I have been posting ads for childcare and researching the best & affordable daycare for her beginning in the fall when I will be working on the main campus of a local Christian university.

Last week while on vacation needless to say, we found out that a family member’s cancer had progressed more than expected and it seems like the current treatments aren’t working as much as throughout. This family member has done a lot with regards to our daughter and while not immediate family, this person has been there us in prayer and in helping welcoming in our daughter. I am personally asking for prayers of divine healing, that the cancer completely disappears. I don’t know what your personal relationship with God is, but the God I know is the ultimate healer. I have not only experienced, but have witnessed the healing hand of God.

Very recently another person close to us is experiencing some health issues. As a person interested in health & nutrition, there is a part of me that feels helpless and there is a part of me that wants to rush to the rescue with all my holistic approaches. Gotta love that LOVE component to it all. I don’t have many details, but we asking for prayers here too. Healing prayers specifically.

On the positive, I have been using this great nutrition drink that has reversed most of my neuropathy. Some of you know that I was diagnosed this past winter with non-specific neuropathy in my hands and feet—aka–doctors have no idea what is causing it. This nutrition drink I’ve been using the past two weeks has made the world of difference. Tonight, I was able to type this whole blog without stopping…prayers to for continued progress appreciated…I need to keep writing longer for my dissertation.

Also on another positive, we recently had a family trip to Nashville, TN (with my Florida family) and the second part spent with my best friend in Lexington, KY. It was a nice and most needed break. Overall, we enjoyed the most time at the watermark and celebrating my dad’s 66th birthday.

Other things on the horizon. In a few weeks, Aaliyah’s birth sister will be staying with us for 16 days. Prayers for that trip too. Prayers for her safe travel and for a great trip. We love her like a second daughter.

Beginning in September, I will be starting am Instructor position on the main campus of a local christian university. For the past year, I have been teaching predominately nontraditional students (adult studies), now I am back to working with typical college aged. Prayers for protection and a smooth year.


Breaking Free

It’s been months since I’ve been able to write.  Lots of changes, all for the better of our family.  I knew months ago, change was coming.  In hindsight, those changes have brought us closer as a couple and as a family unit.

Road to financial Freedom:

The last time I blogged we had just found out that our income was being cut by about 25%.  We buckled down, stopped using credit cards (they are evil, I tell you), got on a budget, and started looking at paying off our debt.  This pay cut was a wake up call.  Just to put some things into perspective, we have two houses (one is a rental property), adoption debt, other credit card debt, student loans, and had a car loan.  Our past efforts to pay off these things had failed, so we decided to implement some of Dave Ramsey’s suggestions.  We first listed all of our debts in order (least to most owed) and used Ramsey’s snowball plan to start to pay off debt.  To date, we have paid off 3 credit cards and our vehicle.  No more car payments, yay!  When we set our minds on spending less and paying off more debt, God just did the rest.  We literally were $1.50 from the cut off of receiving the full adoption credit…that’s God I tell you.  Each month, God surprises me more.  Take this month for instance, we have all our bills paid off with the exception of our cell phones (automatically withdrawn) and our house mortgage.   Everything else, paid and bonus we still have money in our account, which I gives us a jump start to the next month.   We have much more peace since starting this.  Peace between us and peace in our household.

Letting Go of the past & Moving Forward:

There have been many changes for us church wise in the past few months.  Some of you know we left one church that Jeff had some concerns about.  The most recent change occurred in mid-April.  We officially left the small house church family we had been apart of for the past 3 years.  I don’t feel it to be very productive to discuss the ins and outs of that decision, but more importantly it was a group of those 50 & over, either with grown children or no children at all and no racial diversity.  There were no other families, no young children, and no one in our time & place in life.  While I had hopes that this group could provide us with insight and be mentors for us since many had been parents, it didn’t work out as such.  The process of leaving this group was more painful than anticipated and most of the members have stopped talking to us depending on the version of the story they received.  Personally, I learned a lot and grew up a lot being apart of that group.  God made us apart of that group for a reason and only for a season.

For a few weeks we were misfits, church orphans.  Then a friend invited us to their church.  I first attended with Aaliyah and then in mid-March, Jeff visited with me.  It seemed to be the best church that met all of our needs.  And bonus, it was multigenerational, racially diverse, and there are a handful of toddlers/babies all around the same age as Aaliyah–love that.  We’ve been attending there weekly since late March.   Recently, I have gotten involved with the youth and dance ministry.  So far we feel like this is the best church for our family.

Investing in Key Relationships:

In the past few months, it has been made clear to me what relationships to invest in.  As I have said throughout this blog , God has blessed us with an amazing adopted family.  Bree, S, & the girls, we love you & will always consider you as family.  God continually amazes me with how much in common Bree and I have in common.  Sometimes, I feel she is the only person who understands me, who has walked where I have walked, she is like my sister from another mother.  I am forever changed because of adoption and have grown into the woman I feel God has wanted me to be.

Recently, I had a visit from my bestie, Cristina.  The one person who can tell me how things are and what I need to change from a place of love that I can receive.  We’ve been best friends since we were 16 and I know whatever she tells me about myself, good or bad, that it comes from a place of pure love.   During her last visit, she pointed out some areas of unforgiveness and anger I had been struggling with.  She helped me recognize it, give it to God, and let it go.  I guess that’s what God made best friend’s for.

Between these two and the other changes that have met us, I have learned that those who desire to be actively apart of our lives despite differences in clubs, churches, family, friends, or religious faith,  will choose to be.  Those who distance themselves have made the decision to not include us in their everyday life.  I have learned to not take offense, even if it hurts, it has more to do with them than us.  However, people who truly love us will  pour into us without hesitation, they will listen, and be there for us despite differences.  These are the relationships to God wants us to invest in.


We had some setbacks, but we made it through.  As I write this on our now 8 year wedding anniversary and almost shy of 10 years committed relationship, I feel it is safe to say that our relationship has stood the test on more than one occasion.  While not always happy, we are stronger because of the trials. I am thankful for those marriage trials because it made us more united.  Aside from marriage, there are things I never thought I could forgive and relationships I never thought could be mended that God has intervened.  For instance, for years Jeff’s family rejected me, but in the past couple years we’ve become super close.  His mother and I have become very close, I’m so thankful for the healing God has done in that relationship.

Needless to say, many changes, tough lessons, but much to look forward to.

-Cassady, Jeff, & Aaliyah

Bumps in the Road

With every happy story comes some bumps in the road.  Today, we found out that Jeff’s employer will not be supplying us with a bonus check. We rely on this money as it usually about 1/4 of our income.  As a new parent, that is huge.  It means being able to afford food, clothes, and diapering for our girl.  It means limiting her visits with her birth family–which totally breaks my heart.  I have considered all kinds of options, including renting a room to selling the house. 

I am really trying to trust God in all this.  I know this is the one area we both struggle in letting God just do His thing.  We are both really bad about letting go of fiances.

Our plan–as I sit here figuring out the budget, it is clear that cable & land line phone are the first to go.  From that, we have no money to go out–that is, date nights completely eliminated–no money for movies, dinner, etc.  Does that just limit us to make out in the car?  Wish that could be, knowing our local PD that would be a misdemeanor.   

My plan, although hubs completely against, is to sell our current home—which has valued incredibly since we bought in 2008 is up by at least $50K.  I think we should sell–our area is hot since we have the best school district in the state.  I wouldn’t mind less house and more land for less than what we are paying now.  I just need to convince hubs.

The funny thing is all this is that the Lord told me over a year ago that hard times were ahead.  Back then, we started a food pantry, not just for our family, but for others.  Now that we are in the midst of the storm, I’d must say, that I am glad we prepared.  Push comes to shove, we have enough food for at least 6 months without a grocery store visit.  We can develop a budget with groceries because I prepared.

Maybe there is a lesson in all this?  I feel humble for sure. We are now an organic/healthy family on a major budget.

Aaliyah’s 1st birthday…It just seems meant to be

We decided to do Aaliyah’s 1st birthday in Las Vegas with the Bree and the girls because we felt it was the best thing to do. Bree did an amazing job putting together the party for Aaliyah.  Everything in Doc McStuffins–Aaliyah’s favorite show.  It was perfect.


I have to admit I had lots of emotions about her party–as I knew I would.  I won’t lie to you, it was hard watching, almost like a bystander.  Yes, we took photos and videoed those moments, but at the same time as I watched the love unveil in the room, it was almost a glimpse of what things would have been like had Bree not chosen adoption.  Not surprising, Aaliyah would have been well loved either way.  That’s kind of the amazing thing about our story. God showed me, that Aaliyah is blessed enough to be loved double. 


God in His infinite wisdom expanded that love, He knitted us together as family.  We didn’t just adopt Aaliyah, we adopted and were adopted by an entire family.  Family isn’t about blood, but rather by the blood of Jesus, ultimately love.


Everyone’s story is different and unique, but I do believe that God is using our story to show us something very special about this adoption.  In hindsight, I never expected God to bless us this way and I never knew that family could be like this.  For me, this journey has brought me to the conclusion that love always wins and unconditional love for that matter.  Despite our own past wounds or how certain situations have presented themselves, this family knows how to love unconditionally without reservation exactly how God requires us to love.

We are Fam-i-ly….

I must say I had mixed feelings about this trip.  I was praying that Aaliyah would not be in one of her fussy moods–where she only wants Jeff or I to hold her in fear that her birth family would feel hurt or rejected.  I was excited to spend time & meet her two birth sisters we didn’t get to meet last time, but worried at the same time, what if they didn’t like us.   I worried about meeting Bree’s fiance, what if he didn’t like us?  But God is His amazing love, calmed all those fears. 

We arrived here in Las Vegas last Friday night.  Saturday we met up with Bree and family…by the late afternoon I was in her kitchen cooking the family a meal.  It just felt right, perfect, and like we were family.  I held back tears of joy and love that evening as Jeff developed a relationship with Bree’s fiance and the girls played together.  It seemed like everything was meant to happen just as it did.  God didn’t just have Aaliyah, He provided a family for us.  We adopted them as family and they adopted us.  It’s truly beautiful. 

Sunday evening we met at McDonald’s so the girls could play and eat–Aaliyah loves McDonald’s french fries, well fries in general.  My heart melted as I watched Aaliyah and Bree.  It was like they had never been apart.  Aaliyah loved on her the same way she loves on us.  Again, perfect and what I can only describe as the divine plan of God. 

Tonight we had the opportunity to take the girls–Aaliyah’s 3 biological sisters for dinner and ice cream.  All I can say is it felt like it was meant to be.  The oldest of the 3, Shayla said to me this evening that I was like a second mom to her.  I know my eyes watered up with tears, I was trying hard not to cry.  It melted my heart.  The younger two–Unique and Imagine told me tonight they were going to pray for our dog Abbi, who threw up blood this evening (our dog sitter contacted us).  We are concern about her greatly, but in the midst of it all, to hear those little voices of faith tell me it was going to be okay and that they would pray before they went to sleep somehow gave me the will to pray hard and know how great our God truly is.

Tomorrow we spend Aaliyah’s first birthday with them and then leave Friday to visit friends in Denver on the way home.  I have to admit, it is going to be really hard to leave.  These girls feel like “second” children to me, that is like I really am a second mother to them.  Bree feels like my sister and her fiance like our brother.  I know tomorrow will be emotional in more than one way.  I love our home, but I’m sure I can figure out a way to get out here again soon–I will for sure be watching the flight deals.

All I know is that, God knows what he is doing

I don’t know how to title this…

I don’t even know what to say right now.  We had what seemed to be this amazing baby sitter for our daughter.  She was a Christian and we developed a friendship as I was adjusting to motherhood.  She gave excellent advice on alternative health and nutrition, she was passionate about being organic, holistic, and doing things yourself–growing food, canning, etc.  She was also a mom.  Our daughter adored her, loved her, and still says her name.  We loved her, but now I’m trying to find the strength to let her go.  I’m having a hard time extending her grace because I’m so angry, I feel so deceived, and my heart feels like it’s been ripped from my chest. 

You are probably wondering by now what is going on..  Last Wednesday, she didn’t show up to baby sit.  I immediately got worried.  It wasn’t like her to not show up.  She always called, always kept me in the loop.  I called her phone, it went directly to voicemail so I left a message.  I sent her facebook message.  No word. Wednesday afternoon her husband called me to tell me she was in the hospital with a serious condition, but he wouldn’t tell me what.  All he said was that she had mentioned this condition to before.  I went over and over conversations in my head of things it could possibly be.  I mean we talked a lot so it could have been many things.  I jokingly said to my husband what it could be not really thinking it was that. The weekend went by, I texted her husband asking how she was doing, no response.  Monday no word.  By Tuesday (yesterday) I became extremely worried.  The person I knew wouldn’t not contact me if something was wrong.  I literally started thinking she was dead.  I prayed.  I broke down.  It was killing me not knowing what happened to her.  So I sought out her family on facebook for answered.  I messaged 4 of them, 3 had no idea where she was.  One contacted me back with the answer…drug overdose.  Ugh, I hate being right, I was hoping if I said it as a joke it wouldn’t be true.

I was flooded with both anger and sadness at the same time.  I was/am angry because I feel deceived, I feel trust was broken, and just the possibility that our daughter could have exposed to it or even the fact that something cold have happened when she was here, made my blood boil.  I was/am sad for her because of the break in relationships.  I know this has caused her to lose custody of her son.  I’m sad for our daughter who loves her so much, they were bonded since she has been our sitter since she was 3 weeks old.  I’m sad for the road she has ahead. 

I texted her husband yesterday to say I knew the condition and that people make mistakes, that I understood.  It was then he provided me with what hospital she was at and visiting hours.  To me when someone gives you visiting hours info, that is an invitation to visit. So today I tried to visit her, but she declined the visitation.  Oh my heart.  The nurse’s aide gave me a phone number to try to call her to talk, but I don’t know.  I’m trying not to take the decline personal.  I’m trying to see it through God’s eyes, a place where she needs to heal before she takes on trying to talk to me.  Grace. And for Jesus to wipe away any shame she feels.

But still the same, it hurts, we are hurting, and I’m sure she is hurting.  If you are reading this, please pray for us all.

Travel options for Adopting families…Airline Credit Cards

I am not a fan of Credit cards, but just let me say if you are looking to adopt or have already and need to travel to see a birth family or your own, let me shed some insight.

Delta AMEX- great card, first year free.  You receive a companion fare of $99 when you purchase your ticket for at least $299 or more.  Plus you can earn up to 25,000 points bonus in the first 3 months.  Best way to do this is to link all your regular bills–cell phone, cable, utilities, and then pay off each month.  You also receive a free bag–I’m all about packing one bag for the family and checking it and then having carry-ons 🙂  I call it beat the system.  

US Airways/Barclay bank-  What is great about this card is the introductory of 0% on all purchases and balance transfers.  The annual fee is $99, but you receive up to 40,000 air points and receive annual companion ticket for 2 companions for $99–this is great for families of more than 2 over age 2.  You also get to board early, but if you have small children, you get to board early anyway.  

Chase Sapphire- I must say I love this card the most.  There are no block out dates and you can use it for hotels, flights, car rental, or cash it in for gift cards for retail and food.  It is the total flexible card.  We will be using it for free car rental on our upcoming trip to LV.  

Chase Southwest- I am less familiar with this one as we just received it.  You need to spend $1,000 in first 3 months to receive 25,000 bonus points.  The nice thing is that most of their one-way tickets start at 5,000 points.  Southwest also offers 2 free bags per person.

Chase United- I don’t have this card, although friends have told me it is less worth the deal since US Air is now apart of the United/AA chain, their benefits are better.  Chase United Airways offers free checked bags, priority board (which if you have small children you already quality for).  There are no foreign transaction fees (common with most chase cards), 2 united club passes, and 2 miles for every $1 spent on tickets for United, eligible restaurants, and gas stations. 


Always check Hotels.com and open an account.  We already have a free night established after our stay to get our daughter.

Sign up for Marriott and Hilton rewards.  These are the two largest chains. I also think Extended stay has points too.  


2014 Commitments

2013 is gone.  While there were many joys, happiness, reconcilization, and redemption in 2013, there were also the struggles, disappointments, and hardships.  As a great man once told me, “leave the past behind you.  It is called past for a reason.”  I firmly believe that, but also don’t forget it, allow it to reshape you and mold you into a better you.  2013 did reshape me.  I am a completely different, better me than I was this time last year. 

I have great expectations for 2014.  The year of being renewed and having all things added back to me and in double portion.  I know 2014 for me will be a year of great changes; changes in mindsets, relationships, and priorities.  That does not go without saying that I don’t have my part in it.  That would be foolish, lol.  After prayerful consideration, I have 5 areas that I expect change.  My part and God’s part included.  So I call these commitments, not resolutions.  To me resolutions, just mean one is determined to make a change.  But for me, unless one is committed to the change, determination means nothing. 

1.  Stop worrying about finances despite some previous bad spending decisions and the dreaded student loans.  Believe that God will turn it around.  I need to stop having the poverty mindset.  I will do my part to create a better household budget, follow it more strictly, pay off some debt, and save money.  My part includes actively growing my business, publishing research, and pursuing the same vision and staying on track for our church’s community center—this latter part means finishing the proposal asap.

2.  Plugging more into the presence of God rather than technology.  That means less social media…yes I admit, I am a total facebook junky..sad, but true. Also in line with point #1, perhaps cancelling cable completely.  It will save money and remove the temptation to plug into it, rather than into the Word.  I’m terrible with this, especially at night when I need to unwind, I always turn on the tv, often leaving me more stressed–Nighttime news…bad..evil.  It’s a horrible trap for me.  Don’t even get me started on the HGTV channel, love it, but always walking away wanting to do things to the house that cost money we don’t have–it is evil I tell you ;).

3.  Despite the circumstances, always find the positive and to be thankful for what we do have.  Ever notice how easy it is to focus on the negative and what is going wrong, rather than what is positive.  I have to level with you, I was repeatedly called out on this one in 2013.  My life is pretty blessed, despite the messes.

4.  Serve others more and stop worrying about them recognizing me in appreciation.  Oh, I was so bad at this, especially with my husband.  It was like I was always expecting him to recognize that I did x and then expect a big appraisal for it.  Truth is most men don’t notice the simple things anyway.  Besides if I am expecting him to praise me, then my focus is off. That is, serving my family has nothing to do with them, but only about me.  Countless times when I would get upset that I wasn’t recognized, I would hear the Lord quietly say to me, “it’s not about you, but what I am doing through your service”.  I need to let go of wanting credit.  Lord, help me be a better wife and mother without expecting credit for every little thing.

5.  I need to work diligently on a few projects rather than spreading myself too thin.  Anyone who knows me, knows I am notorious for having several things going on at once and never getting any down time.  Therefore, after careful prayful consideration I am narrowing my time to the following projects: finishing my dissertation (graduating in 2014), YIDC project, PM community garden, and our business.  Outside this is time for my family, students, close friends, and downtime for me.  Anything outside these parameters, I just don’t have time for. 

6.  I am restricting myself to things that encouraging and uplifting. I need to cut out anything and anyone that attempts to steal my joy, passion, or becomes discouraging and negative. 

7.  Being more prepared for changes ahead.  This sort of goes with #1, but in a more elaborate way.   It’s not just about getting one’s house in order financially, it’s more about what could lie ahead.  Most of you know, I am a huge planner.  In 2014, I plan to take this to another level.  Being prepare for emergencies and building relationships in the community who have the same mentality.  In 2013 when our hot water heater went, it was like the end of the world. Haha, you would think that someone like me, who has had survival training would have no problem boiling water for a hot bath.  Truth be told, I got too use to comforts, and we didn’t prepare an adequate emergency fund. 

8.  Focus on relationships that are reciprocal.  I have spent too much of my life trying to impressed others, trying to get them to like me, accept me.  In 2013, I learned two very important lessons regarding relationships.  First, those who don’t accept you for whatever reason, usually has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them. Second, truth be told, those who want to be apart of our lives, will do so on purpose.  With those in mind, I pray the Lord with reveal more of the forever friends and the seasonal friends. 

9.  Empower and encourage others daily.  Again, it’s so easy to focus on the lack, the negative, but what good does that do for any of us.  My commitment for 2014 is to empower/encourage at least one person each day. 

10.  Continue to speak truth despite people’s reactions.  Often I feel I am caught between two vastly different communities–faith and academia.  For years, I’ve worried about how both perceive me.  I need to stop worrying and ask provoking questions.  Jesus was a man of provoking questions.  He didn’t care how others perceived him.

Those are my 10 commitments.  I believe there is much responsibility in putting them out there.  It keeps me in check about what I post, talk about, and think regularly.

I wish everyone a blessed, prosperous (in spirit and physical), and happy 2014.


2013 in Review

My 2013 started out with a time of tragedy. My family is best put as complicated, especially on my mother’s side.  I love them dearly, although some drive me crazy.  Here, nor there.  In 2013, I realized to appreciate them all.  The year began with losing my grandfather, who was in many ways was masterious. I learned more about him in death than in life.  I learned that he was passionate about reaching out to minorities—he was a teacher during the Civil Rights movement.  I learned that he would be proud of my choosing of the path God had for me.  He was a Christian.  Although, not perfect…he had a lot of imperfections, my family is still sorting though today in his estate—He was terrible at organization.  I know that despite some of my families’ manipulation tactics of lying to me about his availability to me, that now in death the full truth has been revealed to him.  I only hope that our common faith in Jesus, he knows I understand.

As a believer, God has brought me more forward in my faith in 2013 than any other year.  It is more real to me than in the past, perhaps part of that is being a parent, I don’t know.  But there is something about parenthood that connects us to the cross.  Before our daughter, I know that while I was a believer, God’s love and the meaning didn’t fully connect until I became a parent.  Can you imagine losing a child who is sacrificing oneself for the rest of the world?  As a parent, that would be extremely painful, but at the same time the full expression of love for all mankind, which exactly what God had in mind for us with regards to Jesus.  He is our savior/sacrifice, through ultimate love…God.   I have become more susceptible to the sprit of God than ever before…I am far more emotional towards the things of God than ever before.   Perhaps, He has given me His heart.

The way I forgive and let things go is beyond my comphension.  My life has not been perfect by any means and I am quite sure than most of you who have not hear my testimony would be quite shocked that I am still pushing through.   I think of the many times I felt completely alone, by people I thought would be there for me.  Here nor there, God has truly made the impossible possible.  This year alone, He has helped me successfully defend my dissertation proposal and walk though the adoption process.  Adoption by no means is for the faint at heart.  I sit here in awe of how God brought me though the impossible and how amazing the adoption journey has been for us despite the hiccups. I think about the amazing journey I have with Aaliyah’s birthmom, Bree.  I think about how close we are, how that wouldn’t necessarily be possible if certain caseworkers actually did their jobs.  I think about how God did it all, how He totally impressed me, and made me a completely new person.  All because of Adoption.  Because of adoption, I am a whole new me.  I have an amazing soul level relationship with someone I could never imagine for myself.  I am forever adopted by a family I would have never known without the amazing power of adoption…sometimes and in some ways, I feel more connected to her than my own biological family—whom I love dearly, but often they don’t get me like this family does. Again, I totally love how God works.

Adoption is peace, redemption, and ultimately love.